energy saving processing

energy saving processing

Energy Saving Food Processing - ScienceDirect

2018.1.1  6 - Energy Saving Food Processing 1. Introduction. Energy efficiency enhancement is always considered as a challenging issue due to different reasons (e.g. 2. Energy Consumption for Conventional Processing of Food Products. Energy

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Energy efficiency technologies for sustainable food processing

2014.3.9  The energy-saving opportunities for food processing unit operations include three aspects: (1) improvement of energy efficiency for existing units, (2)

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Energy Saving Food Processing - ScienceDirect

2018.1.1  With regard to the diversity of unit operations in the food industry, this chapter mainly deals with analyzing the energy saving using these novel technologies in

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(PDF) Review of Energy Efficiency Technologies in the

2020.3.6  energy sources management in food processing facilities are desirable for reducing processing costs, saving fossil energy

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Energy for food security World Food Programme

Renewable energy systems can also sustainably power food processing tasks, such as milling, saving time and increasing the quality of the produce. Energy-powered

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(PDF) Energy Conservation Techniques for Food

2020.8.1  PDF This paper presents the overall review of the different studies that explores on energy-saving opportunities in the food industry and also... Find, read and cite all the research you need ...

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A new approach for energy optimization in dairy industry

2022.6.1  The results show high energy saving potential of up to 83%, faster processing with 60%, time savings, and favorable economy for new designs (Zhang et

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Development of Energy-Saving Technologies for the Food

Development of energy-saving technologies for the food processing industry B. L. Amla and V. H. Potty ABSTRACT Awareness of the importance of energy saving in

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Energy‐Saving Pathways for Thermoelectric Nanomaterial

Energy‐Saving Pathways for Thermoelectric Nanomaterial Synthesis: Hydrothermal/Solvothermal, Microwave‐Assisted, Solution‐Based, and Powder

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Universal workflow of artificial intelligence for energy saving

2022.11.1  Abstract. Artificial intelligence (AI) controls are commonly used to save energy. However, excessive diversity in technological development has resulted in the inability to provide consistent energy-saving effects. Therefore, this study analysed 164 academic papers, with a total of 113 AI methods applied in six different fields of application.

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(PDF) Review of Energy Efficiency Technologies in the

2020.3.6  to 98.56% energy savings compared with the current system. However , the proposed system has some limitations, such as the high cost of investment, 8.5-year payback time, and

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Special Issue "Energy Saving Manufacturing System

2023.10.30  Therefore, this Special Issue focuses on optimizing sustainable supply chain manufacturing systems to address energy saving decisions at different product life cycle stages. We welcome research and review papers from leading researchers and practitioners in academia and industry. Dr. Aijun Liu. Prof. Dr. Mingbao Cheng.

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Advanced porous organic polymer membranes: Design,

2022.7.1  Advanced porous organic polymer membranes: Design, fabrication, and energy-saving applications. Author links open overlay panel Yanpei Song, Changjia Zhu, Shengqian Ma. Show more. Add ... The resulting dioxin-linked crystalline polymers processing permanent and robust pore structure has ultrahigh chemical and thermal

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Energy-efficient packet processing in 5G mobile systems

2022.6.21  No energy savings will be achieved if all the packet processing cores are 100 percent utilized in busy-waiting mode. In kernel-bypass packet processing, Ethernet packets are transferred directly to the user-mode application memory.

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Energy-Saving Green Technologies in the Mining and Mineral Processing

2023.2.8  Introduction. Mining and mineral processing industries consume huge energy that comes either from burning fossil fuels or by taking electricity from the grid. Therefore, those industries are directly and/or indirectly releasing a large volume of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the environment.

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Energies Free Full-Text Automatic Energy-Saving Operations System ...

2014.2.13  We have developed an energy-saving operations system featuring remote operation of central monitoring equipment installed in a building. This system applies robotic process automation to remote operation to automatically perform energy-saving operations on behalf of the operations manager. Furthermore, as another feature, the system

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A cutting parameter energy-saving optimization method

2022.7.13  Cutting parameters and tool wear both have significant influence on energy consumption in the processing. In a multi-feature parts batch processing, tool wear values are continuously increasing with the proceeding of processing, leading to a higher energy consumption. To reduce the wear speed, cutting parameters should be

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High-efficient energy saving processing of big data of

DOI: 10.1142/S1793962319500259 Corpus ID: 201129328; High-efficient energy saving processing of big data of communication under mobile cloud computing @article{Liu2019HighefficientES, title={High-efficient energy saving processing of big data of communication under mobile cloud computing}, author={Yazhen Liu and Pengfei Fan

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A novel approach to CNC machining center processing

2021.4.1  Taking energy-saving and low-cost as the optimization goals, the milling speed is 29.32 m/min, the feed per tooth is 0.09 mm/z, the processing time is 43.8 s, the milling speed, spindle speed and processing time are all in the middle value, and the required processing cost and processing energy consumption are respectively

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Systematic approach to industrial oven

2014.10.1  This includes its energy-saving program in its Texas and Louisiana plants with savings of $935,000 per year [9]. 3M at its facilities in the UK has applied Six Sigma to a curing oven in the ...

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Processes Free Full-Text Technological Energy

2022.12.9  The glass industry is highly energy-intensive, consuming approximately 500–700 million GJ each year. Replacing inefficient equipment with better-performing equipment is a good strategy to reduce

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Energy Saving in Data Processing and Communication Systems

2014.1.16  So, energy saving requires the adoption of management policies to avoid powering the servers when they are not processing. In other words, policies decide in which state (idle or off) to keep the servers when not busy. Two types of server management policies will be considered: static and dynamic policies. 2.1.1. Energy Saving with Static

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Flexible process planning based on predictive models for

2023.7.29  The huge pressure of energy saving urges manufacturers to pay more attention to energy-saving processing [1, 2]. Process planning is an important way to realize energy-saving manufacturing, which can effectively guide energy-saving processing [3,4,5]. Process planning is the key link between design and manufacturing.

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A review of energy-efficient scheduling in intelligent production ...

2019.9.10  The non-processing energy mainly includes idle energy and setup time. From 2015, more publications focus on these three energy consumption aspects (i.e., processing energy, idle ... Tong YF, Li JW, Li S, Li DB (2016) Research on energy-saving production scheduling based on a clustering algorithm for a forging enterprise ...

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Current Theoretical and Applied Research on Energy- and Resource-Saving ...

2021.10.25  All other energy-conservation and resource-saving methods in CPSs—in particular, the most complete processing of raw materials and the rational use of FERs—are focused on the full assurance and implementation of the fundamental method, i.e., the method of the best use of DFs [1–5].

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Energy and water consumption pattern in seafood processing

2021.10.1  In another study by BIM (2017) reported that energy-saving of 5% can be attained through automation of equipment in the processing line of the seafood industry. 4.1.2. Sensitize the labor about energy conservation. The manpower attitude and behavior have a major impact on the total energy consumption of processing plants.

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On the impact of energy-saving strategies in opportunistic grids

2010.11.28  We evaluated two sleeping strategies, denoted: standby and hibernate. Resources that comprise an opportunistic grid are normally very heterogeneous, and differ enormously on their processing power ...

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MnTAP – Energy Efficiency - University of Minnesota

MnTAP Source Article: Energy Savings for Heating Water (pg4). One facility installed a direct heat system that is 99.7% efficient and capable of heating potable water within 20 seconds of starting while not requiring fuel for warm-up or idle time. MnTAP Source Article: Boiler Efficiency (pg1). Inefficient and underused boilers were costing ...

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Recent advances on industrial data-driven energy savings: Digital twins ...

2021.1.1  Lee et al. [16] argued that deploying a self-aware machine within the context of Industry 4.0 could also reduce processing cost by saving energy consumption. From a project implementation perspective, Oses et al. [17] proposed using a statistical learning approach to measure and verify energy savings within an industrial plant.

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