open pits coal mines

open pits coal mines

Research on production capacity planning method of open-pit

2023.5.29  Metrics Abstract Reasonable production capacity is related to the economic benefits of an open-pit coal mine. This study analyzes the relationship between the working face length, the annual...

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(PDF) Open Pit Coal Mines - ResearchGate

PDF On Apr 23, 2019, Cai qing xiang and others published Open Pit Coal Mines Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

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Ultimate pit optimization with environmental problem for open

2023.5.1  Open-pit coal mining Ultimate pit optimization Floating cone exclusion method Iterative optimization algorithm 1. Introduction Due to technological and economic constraints, generally only a portion of the geological reserve of a deposit is suitable for mining, and this portion is known as the recoverable reserve (Meagher et al., 2014).

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Frontiers Dynamic optimization of open-pit coal mine

2022.10.20  Therefore, Gu et al. (2011) proposed a dynamic sorting method for open-pit coal mines to simultaneously optimize the final pit and production scheduling of mines. The method can simultaneously solve

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Phase Planning for Open Pit Coal Mines through

2020.7.28  Published 11 Feb 2021 Abstract This paper presents a phase planning method specially designed for coal deposits with nearly horizontal, bedded coal seams. The geology of this type of deposit is

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Research on Ecological Effect Assessment Method of

2022.6.23  Open-pit mining is an important form of coal mining in China, and its damage to the ecological environment is particularly obvious in alpine regions. The ecological restoration of alpine open-pit coal

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Frontiers Pumped storage hydropower in an

2022.9.12  Many coal mines are being abandoned for economic and environmental reasons in China. The repurposing of abandoned open-pit coal mines into pumped storage hydropower (PSH) can help with the

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Multidimensional spatial monitoring of open pit mine dust

2023.4.26  The open pit mining industry is an important basic industry related to China's economic lifeline and energy security, China's open pit coal production has been maintaining good growth momentum.

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Ultimate pit optimization with environmental problem for open-pit coal

2023.5.1  For the ecological optimum pit, the unit ecological costs assigned to coal mining and rock stripping are 0.1029 US$/t and 0.3922 US$/m 3, respectively, which represent 5.74% and 16.43% of the original unit costs (1.79 US$/t and 2.39 US$/m 3). It can be seen that rock stripping has a great impact on mine ecology.

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List of open-pit mines - Wikipedia

Ray mine – Asarco copper mine located in Pinal county, Arizona. Red Dog mine – zinc and lead mine in Red Dog Mine, Alaska. Rio Tinto Borax Mine – California 's largest open-pit mine and the largest borax mine in the world. Thompson Creek mine – molybdenum mine in Custer County, Idaho.

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Monitoring Mining Activities Using Sentinel-1A

2021.11.8  Long-term continuous monitoring of the mining activities in open-pit coal mines is conducive to planning and management of the mining operations. Additionally, this faciliatates assessment on their

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Investigation on flow field characteristics in an open-pit coal

2022.1.4  Spraying water is commonly used for dust suppression in open-pit mines (Peng et al. 2019).A more economical approach is to spray a mixture of a suitable dust suppressant and water (Wang et al. 2019).But some open-pit mines in environmentally vulnerable areas of Northwest China are extremely short of water (Zhou et al. 2016; Hu

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Research Progress of Soil and Vegetation Restoration Technology in Open

2023.1.17  Coal resources have always been in a very important position in the structure of nonrenewable energy in the world [1,2].China is the main coal energy consumer in the word and coal mining has made great contributions to local economic development for years [].According to the statistics, seventy-five percent of the added value of global coal

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(PDF) Open Pit Coal Mines - ResearchGate

2019.4.23  Nowadays (by 2014), there have been 30 open pit coal mines with productivity of. more than 10Mt per year, 4 of which have reached 30Mt/a within or after construction. 2 2 A ...

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Vegetation and soil restoration in refuse dumps from open pit coal mines

2016.9.1  The coal mine is situated in a typical steppe ecological region, with the main vegetation consisting of Stipa species. The five refuse dumps (northern, eastern, western, abandoned and new refuse dumps at the Heidaigou open pit coal mine) began vegetation reconstruction in 1995, 1998, 2003, 2005 and 2014.

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Research and practice of intelligent coal mine technology systems

2022.4.15  The intelligent construction of open-pit coal mines is still in its initial stage. The automation of equipment, design, and management information does not meet the requirements of intelligent mining. Therefore, the intelligent transformation, upgrading, and development of open-pit coal mines is an urgent and difficult task.

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Research on Ecological Effect Assessment Method of Ecological

2022.6.23  Open-pit mining is an important form of coal mining in China, and its damage to the ecological environment is particularly obvious in alpine regions. The ecological restoration of alpine open-pit coal mines faces severe challenges, and its restoration effect will directly affect the ecological security of China. Meanwhile,

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A multi-source remote sensing satellite view of the February 22nd ...

2023.9.4  Open-pit coal mine landslides are a common hazard, and a major mine landslide disaster occurred on February 22, 2023, at the Xinjing mine in Alxa Left Banner, China. In this study, multi-source remote sensing techniques, combined with actual environmental conditions, were used to conduct a preliminary investigation of the pre

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Investigation of failure prediction of open-pit coal mine landslides ...

2022.1.9  This may cause economic loss to open-pit mines so there is no clear guiding significance for the disaster prevention and mitigation of open-pit mine landslides. 4.2.2 SSF model The data after the inverse velocity transformation using the SSF model are shown in Fig. 15 b, which shows that the regressive stage of the landslide evolution

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Hydrogeology of an Open-Pit Coal Mine in Tamiang

2016.7.29  Hydrogeology of an Open-Pit Coal Mine in Tamiang Layang, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia: A Preliminary Groundwater Flow Modeling July 2016 Conference: ASEAN++ 2016: Toward

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Coal mining - Wikipedia

As a consequence, RAG AG, the owner of the two remaining coal mines in Germany, Prosper Haniel and Ibbenbüren, announced it would close all mines by 2018, thus ended underground coal mining in Germany. Open pit lignite mining for electricity continues in Nordrhein-Westfalen, and in the eastern states of Brandenburg, Saxony and Saxony

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Analyzing Characteristics of Particulate Matter Pollution in Open-Pit ...

2021.5.7  The particulate pollution in the open-pit coal mines of China is particularly severe in winter. The aim of this study is to understand the pollution characteristics of particulate matter (PM) in winter and provide a basis for the prevention and control of particulate pollution. We took the problem of PM concentration at the bottom of the

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Open Pit Mining - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

Open-pit mining is the process of extracting rock or minerals from the earth through their removal from an open pit or borrow. Figure 8.8. Open-pit mine [16]. Surface mining is usually used to develop coal seams and deposits of many other minerals, but their feasibilities vary with the nature of the body ore.

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Simulation Study on Hydrological Process of Soil Cracks in Open-Pit ...

2022.7.24  Coal mining has driven the local economy, but it has also seriously damaged local production and the living environment [1,2].The environmental damage caused by large-scale, open-pit coal mining is particularly serious, which causes geological disasters to occur frequently [].The dump site is a giant, artificial, unconsolidated

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The Landscape Pattern Evolution of Typical Open-Pit Coal Mines

2022.8.4  As the province most abundant in mineral resources in China, Inner Mongolia has more than 200 open-pit coal mines. The coal mining activities seriously hinder the sustainable use of regional land and the improvement of residents’ wellbeing. Taking 13 typical open-pit coal mines of Inner Mongolia as the study area, combining

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Concept and Practice of Open-pit Mining Area Restoration and

successfully applied in the restoration and comprehensive utilization project in an open-pit coal mine area in Datong, Shanxi, China. This concept realizes the reuse of abandoned open-pit coal mines and closely follows the national strategy of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, in pursuit of the national vision of “clear

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Despite Climate Concerns, Germany Bulldozes Land To Expand Coal Mines - NPR

2021.6.29  And he says RWE's three open-pit mines in the region are shutting down much earlier than planned. STEFFEN: Two of our three mines will close at the end of 2029, and only Garzweiler mine will run a ...

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Frontiers Pumped storage hydropower in an abandoned open-pit coal

2022.9.12  Many coal mines are being abandoned for economic and environmental reasons in China. The repurposing of abandoned open-pit coal mines into pumped storage hydropower (PSH) can help with the storage of renewable energy, improve mine environments, and provide added economic value. Construction of PSH plant will change

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