slrn process of sponge iron making

slrn process of sponge iron making

Sponge iron making process - [PDF Document]

2015.7.12  TRANSCRIPT. Secondary air is introduced axially in the direction of the gas flow. The air supplied to the length of the kiln is metered for close control of temperature and gas atmosphere in the kiln. Heating zone extends from 25% to 40% along length of

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Energy survey of the coal based sponge iron industry

2015.9.1  The actual process of the coal based sponge iron production is based on SL/RN process (jointly developed by the Steel Company of Canada, Lurgi Chemie,

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(PDF) i) Direct Reduced Iron: Production - ResearchGate

2016.3.30  Processes that produce iron by reduction of iron ore (in solid state) below the melting point are generally classified as DR

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Recovery and utilization of waste heat in a coal based sponge iron

2012.6.1  The present work is an attempt to conserve energy in coal based sponge iron industry incorporating certain design modifications without disturbing the process

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Flow sheet of the SL/RN process. Download Scientific

Iron and steel plants producing steel via the blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace (BF-BOF) route constitute among the largest single point CO2 emitters within the European Union (EU).

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1.2 Details of Direct Reduction of Iron Plants 2 1.3 Mapping of Direct Reduction of Iron Units 4 1.4 Production Process 5 2.0 Key Performance Indicators of Direct Reduction of

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Profitability analysis of power generation using waste heat of

2017.12.15  Sponge iron process. The schematic of sponge iron process is shown in Fig. 1 where raw material enters to the kiln from feed end and moves toward the

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2000.8.18  Of the various direct reduction processes converting iron ores to sponge iron, the Midrex and HYL processes are generally used for gas based reduction and SL/RN process is the most common coal ...

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Different processes of Sponge Iron production – A Review

2013.2.22  The process integration principles are applied to conserve energy in Option-1 and Option-2. For Option-1 8.97 MW power is generated using heat of waste

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Flow sheet of the SL/RN process. Download

Fig. 3 shows a flow sheet of the SL/RN process. Sized lump iron ore (or pellets) and a relatively coarse fraction of noncoking coal are fed into the kiln from the feed end. Coal not only acts as a ...

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A review of ironmaking by direct reduction processes: Quality ...

2019.8.19  2. Overview of DR processes. Direct reduction processes reduce iron ore (in the form of lumps, pellets or fines) to the solid state using a reducing. gas to produce Direct Reduced Iron (also known ...

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Direct Reduction - Iron and Steelmaking

The Making Shaping and Treating of Steel. Ironmaking volume 11th Edition. Chapter 11, J. Feinmaan, Direct Reduction and Smelting processes, David H. Wakeling Ph.D. editor. The AISI Steel Foundation,1999, Three

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Sponge Iron Manufacturer India

Manufacturers Association. The Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association (SIMA) established in 1992 is an all India apex body of Indian sponge iron industry. It is the voice of the indian iron ore based sponge iron steel industry, at both domestic and global forums. As a not-for-profit society, SIMA has been mandated to communicate the viewpoints ...

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2000.8.18  Of the various direct reduction processes converting iron ores to sponge iron, ... used for produc tion of DRI in the SL/RN process is iron . ... up to 70 tph to be fed in EAF-steel making.

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Iron processing - Smelting, Refining, Alloying Britannica

Iron making. The primary objective of iron making is to release iron from chemical combination with oxygen, and, since the blast furnace is much the most efficient process, it receives the most attention here. Alternative methods known as direct reduction are used in over a score of countries, but less than 5 percent of iron is made this way. A third group

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Talk:HIsarna ironmaking process - Wikipedia

Given that background, the article confuses the readership with the term Pig Iron Pellet to refer to COREX (process (5) above) iron ore pellet charge used by HISARNA's predecessor plant at Corus, with perhaps a solid sponge iron product of say SLRN (process (1) above), or the powdered iron product of ITmk3 (process (2) above), or the

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Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) – World Trade Development

Direct reduction of iron is the removal of oxygen from iron ore or other iron bearing materials in the solid state, i.e. without melting, as in the blast furnace. The reducing agents are carbon monoxide and hydrogen, coming from reformed natural gas, syngas or coal. Iron ore is used mostly in pellet and/or lumpy form.

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sponge iron sl/rn rotary kiln based 100tpd dri process T. Garikayi 1* , L. Nyanga 2 , T. Mushiri 3 , S. Mhlanga 4 , P.K. Kuipa 5 1 Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering

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Direct Reduction - Iron and Steelmaking

The Making Shaping and Treating of Steel. Ironmaking volume 11th Edition. Chapter 11, J. Feinmaan, Direct Reduction and Smelting processes, David H. Wakeling Ph.D. editor. The AISI Steel Foundation,1999, Three Gateway Center Suite 1900, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, ISBN 0-930767-03-9, pp. 763-801.

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Sponge Iron - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

Gross calorific value (GCV) of different coals for sample sponge iron plants. Figures 3.3.25–3.3.27 show the comparative performance of four plants. The overall SEC of the sample plants is in the range of 7.58–7.86 Gcal/ton steel. The total electrical SEC up to SI making ranges from 77 to 135 kW h/ton of SI.

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Sponge iron making process PPT - SlideShare

2014.11.9  Sponge iron making process - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Sponge iron making process - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Submit. Upload. Sponge iron making

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SL - RN (Iron Making Rotary Kiln Process for DRI Production)

2015.11.1  (SL/RN) Stelco-Lurgi/Republic-National rotary kiln process

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Sponge Iron SpringerLink

2020.3.3  Sponge iron means porous iron produced by direct reduction process.Direct reduction (DR) process is a solid-state reaction process (i.e. solid–solid or solid–gas reaction) by which removable oxygen is removed from the iron ore, using coal or reformed natural gas as reductants, below the melting and fusion point of the lump ore or

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slrn process of sponge iron making

Krupp Sponge Iron Process The Krupp. Sponge iron process uses a rotary kiln for the reduction of high grade lump ores or pellets (Fig. 1). The feed is introduced together with reducing and de-sulphurizing agents (lime-stone or raw dolomite) into an inclined rotary kiln, heated counter current to the flow of hot gas and reduced to form sponge ...

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making. This gave an overview of the environmental aspects and highlighted the main environmentally related issues involved in the process of producing liquid steel from iron ore by the direct reduction route. The report was examined at the meeting of experts and environmental management guidance for the direct

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Coal based Direct Reduction Rotary Kiln Process – IspatGuru

2017.2.14  Normally for rotary kiln process volatile matter is to be in the range of 25 % to 30 %. Coals for direct reduction in the rotary kiln need to have low swelling index. Normally swelling index is to be less than 1. The physical and chemical specifications of the non-coking coal are as follows. Size of lumps – 5 mm to 20 mm.

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slrn process of sponge iron making

2022.2.25  CN1818081A - Production of sponge iron - Google Patents. The invention is about the producing method of the sponge iron. The process is: (1) make the material into the double iron oxide ball; (2) put the double iron oxide ball and the reductant into the reaction tank to get the sponge iron ball mass; (3) put the mass into the thermal

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(PDF) Modelling and optimisation of directreduction of iron

2010.1.1  India is the largest producer of sponge iron or direct reduced iron (DRI) in the world. The importantstep in the manufacture of DRI is direct reduction of iron ore by coal or reducing gases such ...

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Which process is better for Sponge Iron Production? HYL

A survey is made on a typical coal based Indian sponge iron plant of capacity 500 t/d in order to identify the largest energy losses and find ways to increase the efficiency.

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